Friday, May 10, 2019

10 May 2019 Day 130 of 365

Thoughts for today: 

All My Life's a Circle, and "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself" from FDR's 1st Inaugural Address on 4 March 1933.

These thoughts popped into my head while I was listening to Ruth share the daily tarot reading on her YouTube channel, kindred Spirit Tarot.  Also included in the reading for today was one of my very favorite card picks, color, from The Secret Language of Color.  Here is what Ruth shared with us on that--  

From The Secret Language of Color by Inna Segal--

Burgundy #10:  connects you to your passion, vibrancy and enthusiasm for life.  It leads you to your life purpose and makes your dreams a reality.  Burgundy also energizes you whenever you're feeling down, showing you your path whenever you are feeling lost.  Awaken your passion with burgundy.  When you are passionate about something your intuition, heart and soul awakens.  You start to experience clarity and purpose in your life.  Spend some time connecting to your passion. Write down all the things you love, or would love to do, feel and experience.  Wear something burgundy close to your heart or create a special bracelet for yourself that you can wear often to remind you of your passion.  You can also make or purchase a picture of a burgundy circle.  Everyday spend five minutes meditating on this circle, awaking your zest for life.  Energize yourself by taking deep, connective breaths as you focus your attention on the color of burgundy and say--

Divine Intelligence, please allow me to awaken
my intuition, passion and love for life
so I can fulfill my extraordinary potential.

It's time for me to craft my bracelet and design my picture!  I do hope you will take a few minutes to listen to Ruth's wonderful reading to understand where the inspiration for this post came from.  

Friday, May 3, 2019

3 May 2019 day 123 of 365

Thought for today:  I give thanks to the Source of all creation for the gifts that have been given to me.

It is with a humble heart and intense gratitude that I do give thanks to the Creator for how my life has progressed.

Like many other people, I was raised to believe that God is some invisible old dude with a pure white beard who sits on a throne in some realm called heaven that is located above.  Hmm,  that idea never really did sit well with me.  My early years were crammed with Roman Catholic doctrine and ritual mixed with a good dose of Protestant (Methodist) dogma...woo-wee!   

I am most deeply grateful for the discernment of what a control system religion is and for being given the courage to leave it behind!  In 2012 I humbly asked to be shown and be placed on a path of truth--wow, it's been a wonderfully enlightening ride so far, and each day I'm driven down another path complete with twists and turns and sometimes even dead ends.   

Thursday, May 2, 2019

2 May 2019 day 122 of 365

Thought for Today:  Forgiveness offers everything I want.

As each day of my journey with "A Course in Miracles" continues it seems to reveal more and more about how to gain personal peace and quiet in the roaring environment on Earth Frequency that seems to grow more angry every day.   If you haven't taken a small amount of time to reflect on forgiveness, right now might be a great time for you to stop and think about who it is that "chaps your hide", what they did to cause that and how trivial it is to dwell on toxic, negative stuff that only hardens your heart, clogs your consciousness and perturbs your peacefulness.   

Whatever your beliefs are and whoever you put your faith in, gaining a sense of peace through forgiveness is likely one of the best gifts you can give to yourself.  A life lived in joy and happiness is so much better for your health and welfare!

Peace, Love and Favor to all.